Breast MRI Course

CEM Course
Contrast imaging (CEM & MRI) introduces significant complexity to patient management. On the one hand we can detect the lesions earlier, and map them, often with more accuracy. While this offers the benefit of better long term outcomes, there is a requirement for the whole multidisciplinary team to change in order to reap the benefits. Resistance to change, away from the default management of the last 30 years can be a significant barrier to implementation. Surgeons are learning new operative paradigms. Pathologists need assistance to process specimens to find what we have given them ( the specimen xray has become very challenging!). Oncologists need to know what we can offer. Patients need to have their expectations managed.
Knowing which test to do next, how to biopsy, and choosing which lesion is the most significant in the overall plan, become very important questions for the radiologist.
In order to be effective in providing a contrast breast imaging service, radiologists need to step into the clinical limelight and understand more of what is important in the changing multidisciplinary arena.
This course provides a new set of workstation cases with known pathology and outcomes as we have done for many years. We have changed the format a little in response to feedback. Registrants will have a short introduction to make sure that they can get onto the cloud server to view cases and have access to them for 2 days prior to the course.
The course itself has a slightly expanded lecture program to begin the day and a multidisciplinary panel for a session in the afternoon where complex management issues in contrast imaging will be discussed by our multidisciplinary team. These are real world cases which have been through real MDMs in practice, so that registrants can have the benefit of our learning curve to truncate their own. The issues raised in this session may be familiar to some but hopefully thought provoking for all.
Registrants will then have access to the cases for an additional week including the following weekend for review.